===== INTRODUCING =====


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This fragrant, yellowish wood, which comes from a type of Asian evergreen tree, has insect-repelling properties.  The soft resinous wood also known as agalloch, aloeswood, agalwood, and other names, which has been buried in the ground and transformed by a natural aging process.  The most highly valued of jinkoh (aloeswood).  The dried barks taken from young shoots of trees in the laurel family. Cassia, in particular, is one of the oldest known spices. Native to Assam and northern Burma, it was in use by the Chinese as early as 2700B.C., and is sometimes known as Chinese cinnamon.


a b    l    r `    Cloves
A resinous crystalline substance derived from the camphor tree.   A strong-smelling substance obtained from the abdominal sac of a type of East Asian deer.   Native to southern China and Vietnam, star anise is the dried fruit of an evergreen tree belonging to the magnolia family.   The dried flower buds of a tropical tree indigenous to the Moluccas of Indonesia, but now widely cultivated.

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